- Fire Ready Montana
A Montana State website dedicated to Homeowner Wildfire Preparation. There are numerous documents and links to other resources to assist the homeowner. It also provides links to Active Wild Fires, Smoke Conditions, etc.
- Be Ready for Wildfires
This site maintained by the Federal Government is very similar to the "Fire Ready Montana" website but is another resource for Wild Fire Preparedness. It also include links to other natural disaster planning.
- Evacuation - Yourself and Your Family
This site is part of the Federal Readiness Site but it is a direct link to the evacuation planning and preparedness are. Evacuations are more common than many people realize. Fires and floods cause evacuations most frequently across the U.S. and almost every year, people along coastlines evacuate as hurricanes approach. In addition, hundreds of times a year, transportation and industrial accidents release harmful substances, forcing many people to leave their homes.
- Fire Adapted Communities
This site is very similar to some of the other sites but instead of an individual Wild Fire approach, this site is dedicated to a community based approach. It has information and links to assist a community in planning and protecting itself from a Wild Fire.